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April 11, 2016


Style, that curiously difficult to define but altogether desirable element that we’d all (admit it!) love to have bestowed upon us. I’m not talking in the sartorial sense here, there are plenty of lifestyle brands and retailers where you can purchase your  individuality at the drop of a hat. Nor am I too concerned about flat water and downwind SUP. No, this little rant will be rattling on about SUP surf style. What is it? Where does it come from? And most importantly can I get some?

Words  Rob Small // Photos  John Carter


Style, or more accurately, a good head-turning style that sets them talking and gets you noticed is a rare thing in our burgeoning beast of a sport. To see someone cut an elegant swathe through the flickers, flappers, hackers and outright hams is a thing of beauty. Now of course the leading lights of our sport, from international level right down to local heroes are often also the most progressive riders and in a stylistically well put together package is something that fills my hardened, cynical old heart with joy. But let’s be honest here, you may burn brighter that the rest for a short while but time will win, athletic entropy will cruelly rob you of your fast twitch fibres whilst the next generation redefines the performance bar that you once set. As bleak as it sounds it’s just the way it is. You will be a veteran much longer than you will be a prospect. But fear not, all is not lost as style endures, timeless even and to be a Style-master is to never be without panache and poise. So what turns the pedestrian into the particular? The customary into the compelling?

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Technical Ability
What does this mean? Well it’s all about being in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing the right way. Sounds simpledoesn’t it? Technical proficiency and even excellence comes through hard work, application and analysis. No one of us arrives fully formed and whilst the road to masterful surfing varies in length considerably we all have to travel it. A good, well rounded SUP surfing skills set comes through practice, practice, reflection on what works and doesn’t, practice, application of things learnt and most importantly, practice. Think about where you paddle out, where and how waves are caught. Your stance and positioning on the board. Where and when you place your turns on the wave. And let’s not overlook use of the paddle through all the above. If you find that you’re doing the best thing, at the most appropriate time with good positioning then chances are you’re becoming very efficient and removing any excess energy expenditure (unnecessary paddling, un-needed body movements whilst surfing etc…) and this in itself fosters good style. A classic case of form follows function. Get the SUP surfing right and it’ll look just that; right. Clearly athletic superstardom is unattainable for most of us but here’s the magic of style: At whatever level of competency, if you do what you know well then it’ll look great. Style isn’t exclusively pegged to performance level. Apply your skills well and appropriately to the available surf conditions and you’ll be doing it with style.

Do the unexpected. Tweak your moves. Fade that bottom turn when others wouldn’t, let those fins drift a bit on the end of those top turns, mix it up mate! Practice makes perfect but perfection isn’t painting by numbers. Use your full repertoire and dazzle ‘em with your derring do.

Slow it down

This one can sound contradictory but it really isn’t. Speed is a key ingredient in stylish SUP surfing but rushing isn’t. Don’t try to fit everything on one wave. A forced turn off the top on a section that favours a little stroll to the nose will appear just that: forced.

Similar to the above. Use aggression to increase functionality of manoeuvres, make statements and show a little passion. Punctuate your session, rather than battering it into submission.

“ You will be a veteran much longer than you will be a prospect. But don’t fear, all is not lost as style endures ”

Whilst I’m advocating being analytical about your SUP surfing (most importantly during the acquisition of basic-intermediate skills) don’t over-think it all. Try to be in the moment (big cliché points here) and allow your intuition and experience to come to the fore. I think it helps to visualise things holistically rather than micro managing your surf session. When you find your groove it’ll feel and look exactly that: Groovy!


When you’re flowing and the spray’s flying SUP surfing is indecently good fun and it’ll show. Happy surfers are a style statement themselves. Leave the bitching on the beach and try not to let frustration impact on you. Remember it’s just surfing but feeling the joy and doing it with pizazz already sets you apart.

Top Style Tips
Study the technique of those whose surfing you admire and try to incorporate elements of it into your own act. Look at your body positioning and movements whilst riding the wave. Don’t be afraid to bend those legs and get low. Look where you’re going. Be prepared to do nothing. Sometimes just letting your board run will blow them away.

To Avoid At All Costs
Bragging. Speak softly but carry a large stick. Giving it the large and delivering is suspect, giving it the large and not…A style master lets the surfing speak.
Barton Twirling: OK the paddle is what separates SUP surfing from regular surfing but if you want to be a Majorette join a marching band.
Paddling When Surfing Fast. You can’t make you board go faster so windmill paddling whilst surfing only slows you down and looks rubbish.
SOW: Shorts over wetsuit. Never under any circumstance. If you have to ask you’ve already blown it. SUP

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